
Introduction to String Manipulation in UiPath with Sample

String manipulation is often necessary in UiPath Studio development.

In this article, I will show you how to join, get, add, replace, delete, convert, and split strings, with samples.

This is a very long article, so please touch (or click) the table of contents to jump to the chapter you want to know.


 Related Articles Learn the Creation Techniques f UiPath robotics creation with Udemy’s online courses that take it up a notch

This site was created by translating a blog created in Japanese into English using the DeepL translation.

Please forgive me if some of the English text is a little strange

Clickable Table of Contents
  1. String binding
  2. Getting a string
  3. Adding a String
  4. String substitution
  5. Deleting a string
  6. Convert string
  7. Splitting a string
  8. summary

String binding

String binding(+)

To join strings, put a + between characters.


Code to combine String type variables “str1” and “str2” with “-” and “xyz” strings



・Sample Process

・Execution result


Combine strings (Concat)

The concatenation of strings can also be done using the Concat function.


]Code to combine String type variables “str1” and “str2” with “-” and “xyz” strings



・Sample Process

・Execution result


Getting a string

Get the length of a string (Length)

The length of the string is obtained by Length.


Code to get the character length of the variable “str1” of type String.



・Sample Process

・Execution result


Extract from the middle to the end of a string (Substring)

If you want to extract a string from the middle to the end, use SubString.


Code to get the third character (position 2) of the variable “str1” of type String.

  • First value in (): target position *Note that the first character position is 0.


・Sample Process

・Execution result

sea otter
sea otter
The number in parentheses, 0 means the first character, so if the number in parentheses is 2, you’ll get the third and subsequent characters.


・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abcxyz"
str1.Substring(0)  // abcxyz 
str1.Substring(1)  // bcxyz 
str1.Substring(2)  // cxyz 
str1.Substring(3)  // xyz 
str1.Substring(4)  // yz 
str1.Substring(5)  // z 


Extract from the back of a string (Substring, Length)

To extract from the back of a string, combine SubString and Length.


Code to get the two characters from the back of the variable “str1” of type String.

  • First value in (): Subtract the number of characters to be retrieved from the number of characters in the target string (Length).


・Sample Process

・Execution result

・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abcxyz"
str1.Substring(str1.Length-1)  // z 
str1.Substring(str1.Length-2)  // yz 
str1.Substring(str1.Length-3)  // xyz  
str1.Substring(str1.Length-4)  // cxyz 
str1.Substring(str1.Length-5)  // bcxyz 


Extracting a part of a string (Substring)

You can also use SubString to extract a part of a string.


Code to get three characters from the second character (position 1) of the variable “str1” of type String.

  • First value in (): target position *Note that the first character position is 0.
  • Second value in (): number of characters to retrieve


・Sample Process

・Execution result

In the numbers in parentheses, 0 means the first character, so String(3,2) gets the two characters from the fourth character.


・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abcxyz"
str1.Substring(1,2)  // bc 
str1.Substring(2,3)  // cxy 
str1.Substring(2,4)  // cxyz  
str1.Substring(3,2)  // xy  
str1.Substring(4,2)  // yz 



Search for a specified string from before and get its position (IndexOf)

To retrieve the position of a specified string by searching from before, use IndexOf.


Code to get the first position of the string “bc” in the String type variable “str1”.

  • The first value in (): the string to search for


・Sample Process


・Execution result

・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abcxyzabc"
str1.IndexOf("a")   // 0 
str1.IndexOf("b")   // 1 
str1.IndexOf("c")   // 2 
str1.IndexOf("bcx")  // 1 
str1.IndexOf("x")   // 3 
str1.IndexOf("y")   // 4 
str1.IndexOf("xy")   // 3 
str1.IndexOf("j")   // -1 
You’re searching from before and outputting the first position found.
sea otter
sea otter
If there are no search results, -1 will be printed.


Search for the specified string from behind and get the position (LastIndexOf)

To retrieve the position of a specified string by searching from behind, use LastIndexOf.


Code to get the last position of the string “bc” in the variable “str1” of type String.

  • The first value in (): the string to search for


・Sample Process


・Execution result

・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abcdeあいabcde"
str1.LastIndexOf("a")  //6 
str1.LastIndexOf("b")  //7 
str1.LastIndexOf("c")  //8 
str1.LastIndexOf("cxy") //2 
str1.LastIndexOf("x")  //3 
str1.LastIndexOf("y")  //4 
str1.LastIndexOf("xy")  //3 
str1.LastIndexOf("j")  //-1 
So you search from behind and output the first position found.
sea otter
sea otter
As with IndexOf, if there are no search results, -1 will be output.


Adding a String

Add a string to the specified position (Insert)

To add a string to the specified position, use Insert.


Code to add “@” after the third character of the String variable “str1”.

  • First value in (): position to add
  • The second value in (): the string to be added


・Sample Process


・Execution result


・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abcxyz"
str1.Insert(0,"@")  // @abcxyz  
str1.Insert(1,"@")  // a@bcxyz  
str1.Insert(2,"@")  // ab@cxyz  
str1.Insert(3,"@")  // abc@xyz  
str1.Insert(4,"@")  // abcx@yz  
str1.Insert(5,"@")  // abcxy@z  
str1.Insert(6,"@")  // abcxyz@  


Add the specified character before the first character until the specified number of digits are reached (PadLeft).

Use PadLeft to add the specified character before the first character until the specified number of digits is reached.


Code for adding leading zeros to a variable of type String “str1” until the number of digits reaches 10

  • First value in (): number of digits
  • (Second value in parentheses: String to be added *Add c to the end of the string to convert it to Char type
If you’re not sure about the * explanation of the second value, just think of it as a spell and keep the c on!


・Sample Process

・Execution result

・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "1234"
str1.PadLeft(5,"0"c)  // 01234   
str1.PadLeft(6,"0"c)  // 001234   
str1.PadLeft(7,"0"c)  // 0001234   
str1.PadLeft(7,"@"c)  // @@@1234   


Adds the specified character after the last character until the specified number of digits are reached (PadRight).

Use PadRight to add the specified character before the first character until the specified number of digits are reached.


Code for adding backward 0’s to the String variable “str1” until the number of digits reaches 10.

  • First value in (): number of digits
  • (Second value in parentheses: String to be added *Add c to the end of the string to convert it to Char type


・Sample Process


・Execution result

・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "1234"
str1.PadRight(5,"0"c)  // 12340   
str1.PadRight(6,"0"c)  // 123400   
str1.PadRight(7,"0"c)  // 1234000   
str1.PadRight(7,"@"c)  // 1234@@@   


Add a new line (Environment.NewLine, vbCrLf )

NewLine or vbCrLf can be used to add a new line to a string in UiPath.


Code to add a new line between the strings ab and cd

"ab"+Environment.NewLine +"cd"
Environment.NewLine is a function to get the newline string defined in the OS environment.

Or you can use the following code to get the same result.

"ab"+vbCrLf +"cd"
vbCrLf is the code that represents the Windows newline string \r\n.


・Sample Process No1

*The equation for the first activity is
str1 = “ab”+Environment.NewLine +”cd”


・Execution result No1


・Sample Process No2

・Execution result No2


String substitution

Replace the specified string with another string (Replace)

To replace the specified string with another string, use Replace.

Code to replace “bc” in the String variable “str1” with “KLM” and output it

  • The first value in (): the string to be replaced
  • The second value in (): the string to be replaced


・Sample Process


・Execution result


・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abcxyzabcde"
str1.Replace("a","1")   // 1bcxyz1bcde  
str1.Replace("a","123")  // 123bcxyz123bcde  
str1.Replace("ab","1")   // 1cxyz1cde 
str1.Replace("bc","789")  // a789xyza789de 
str1.Replace("x","9")   // abc9yzabcde 
str1.Replace("xyz","5")  // abc5abcde 
str1.Replace("xyz","56789")  // abc56789abcde 


Deleting a string

Delete a specified number of characters from the left of a string (Substring)

To remove a specified number of characters from the left side of a string, use Substring.


Code for deleting two characters from the left side of the variable “str1” of type String

  • First value in (): number of characters to be deleted


・Sample Process


・Execution result

The code is the same as “Get the middle to the end of a string (Substring)”.


・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abcxyz"
str1.Substring(0)  // abcxyz  
str1.Substring(1)  // bcxyz  
str1.Substring(2)  // cxyz  
str1.Substring(3)  // xyz  
str1.Substring(4)  // yz  
str1.Substring(5)  // z  


Remove a specified number of characters from the right side of a string (Substring, Length)

To delete a specified number of characters from the right side of a string, use Substring and Length. Substring is used to delete characters from the beginning until one character before the character to be deleted is obtained.


Code to delete two characters from the right side of the variable “str1” of type String

  • The first value in parentheses (): 0 * Fixed at 0, the position of the first character
  • Second value in parentheses(): Subtract the number of characters to be deleted from the number of characters in the target string.


・Sample Process

・Execution result


・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abcxyz"
str1.Substring(0,str1.Length-1)  // abcxy 
str1.Substring(0,str1.Length-2)  // abcx 
str1.Substring(0,str1.Length-3)  // abc 
str1.Substring(0,str1.Length-4)  // ab 
str1.Substring(0,str1.Length-5)  // a 


Removes the string from the specified positionRemove)

Use Remove to remove the string after the specified position.


Code to delete the third and subsequent characters (position 2 and subsequent) of the variable “str1” of type String.

  • First value in (): specified position to be deleted   * Note that the position of the first character is 0.


・Sample Process


・Execution result

・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abcxyz"
str1.Remove(1)  // a 
str1.Remove(2)  // ab 
str1.Remove(3)  // abc 
str1.Remove(4)  // abcx 
str1.Remove(5)  // abcxy 


Remove a specified number of characters from a specified position in a string (Remove)

Remove is also used to remove a specified number of characters from a specified position in a string.


Code to delete two characters from the second character (position 1) of the variable “str1” of type String.

  • First value in (): Start deletion position * Note that the first character position is 0.
  • Second value in (): number of characters to delete


・Sample Process


・Execution result

・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abcxyz"
str1.Remove(1,2)  //axyz
str1.Remove(1,3)  //ayz
str1.Remove(1,4)  //az
str1.Remove(1,5)  //a
str1.Remove(2,1)  //abxyz
str1.Remove(2,2)  //abyz
str1.Remove(2,3)  //abz
str1.Remove(2,4)  //ab
str1.Remove(3,1)  //abcyz


Remove white space before and after a string (Trim)

Use Trim to remove white space before and after the string.


Code to remove white space before and after the variable “str1” of type String



・Sample Process

・Execution result

*Blank spaces before and after have been removed.


・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = " abcxyz "
str1.Trim      //abcxyz

str1 = " ab cx yz "
str1.Trim      //ab cx yz
Note that blank spaces in the string will not be removed.


Remove white space in front of a string (LTrim)

Use LTrim to remove white space before a string.


Code to remove the blank space before the variable “str1” of type String.



・Sample Process

・Execution result

*The previous blank space has been removed.


・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = " abcxyz "
LTrim(str1)     //abcxyz 
str1 = " abcxyz "
LTrim(str1)     //abcxyz 
str1 = " ab cx yz "
LTrim(str1)     //ab cx yz 
Note that, as with Trim, blank spaces in the string will not be removed.


Remove white space after a string (RTrim)

Use RTrim to remove white space after a string.


Code to remove the white space after the variable “str1” of type String.



・Sample Process

・Execution result

*Removed trailing whitespace


・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = " abcxyz "
RTrim(str1)     // abcxyz
str1 = " abcxyz "
RTrim(str1)     // abcxyz
str1 = " ab cx yz "
RTrim(str1)     // ab cx yz
Note that, as with Trim, blank spaces in the string will not be removed.


Remove a specified string from a string (Replace)

To remove a specified string from a string, use Replace.

By replacing the specified string with “no string”, you can remove the string.


Code for deleting “bc” from a variable of type String “str1

  • First value in (): string to be deleted      * String to be replaced
  • Second value in (): “”    * String after replacement.”” means no string.


・Sample Process


・Execution result

・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abcxyzabcde"
str1.Replace("a","")  //bcxyzbcde
str1.Replace("b","")  //acxyzacde
str1.Replace("c","")  //abxyzabde
str1.Replace("bc","")  //axyzade
str1.Replace("x","")  //abcyzabcde
str1.Replace("y","")  //abcxzabcde
str1.Replace("xy","")  //abczabcde
str1.Replace("d","")  //abcxyzabce
str1.Replace("e","")  //abcxyzabcd
str1.Replace("cde","")  //abxyzab
str1.Replace("k","")  //abcxyzabcde
sea otter
sea otter
If there is no string to delete, the original string will be output.


Remove newlines from a string (Replace)

Use Replace to remove newlines from a string.

The line breaks can be removed by replacing Chr(13) and Chr(10), which represent line breaks, with “no string”.


Code to remove line feeds from the String variable “str1”

str1.Replace(Chr(13), "").Replace(Chr(10), "")
sea otter
sea otter
Chr(13) represents the CR character code, Chr(10) represents the LF character code, and CRLF represents a line feed.
It’s difficult to understand what Otters are saying, so mechanically remove the line breaks with the above code!


・Sample Process


・Text file to read


・Execution result


Convert string

Convert a string to a number (Parse)

To convert a string to a number (Integer), use Parse.


Code to convert the variable “str1” of type String to a numeric value (Integer)



・Sample Process


・Execution result

sea otter
sea otter
The first result is a concatenation of strings, and the second result is an addition after converting to numbers, so the message will change.


Converting a number to a string (ToString)

To convert a number (Integer) to a string, use ToString.


Code to convert an Int variable “int1” to a string



・Sample Process

* int1 and int2 are variables of type Int


・Execution result


The first result is the addition of numbers, and the second result is the concatenation of numbers converted to strings, so the message will change.


Convert lower case letters to upper case (ToUpper)

Use ToUpper to convert lowercase letters to uppercase.


Code to convert lowercase to uppercase for the variable “str1” of type String.



.Sample Process


・Execution result


Convert uppercase to lowercase (ToLower)

To convert uppercase to lowercase, use ToLower.


Code to convert uppercase to lowercase for the variable “str1” of type String.



.Sample Process


・Execution result


Splitting a string

Split a string with specified characters (Split)

To split a string with specified characters, use Split.


Code to get the first character of the delimiter “,” in the String variable “str1

  • First value in Split(): target string
  • Second value in Split(): string to be separated
  • Second value in (): Position of the separated characters
sea otter
sea otter
Since the split function returns an array type, we can specify the target position in the second () and output the characters.
What Otters are saying is a bit difficult, so please look at the sample below to get an idea.





・Other samples and execution results
Left side of // is code, right side of // is output result

str1 = "abc,123,de"
split(str1,",")(0)  //abc
split(str1,",")(1)  //123
split(str1,",")(2)  //de
str1 = "abc/123/de"
split(str1,"/")(0)  //abc
split(str1,"/")(1)  //123
split(str1,"/")(2)  //de



  • The function used this time to manipulate the string is
  • The most frequently used functions are +、Length、Substring、Replace、ToString、Split. If you can use this function alone, you will be able to develop much more efficiently, so please learn it.

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 Related Articles Learn the Creation Techniques f UiPath robotics creation with Udemy’s online courses that take it up a notch

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